Trip report

Deep days in the Sierra

February 16, 2023

Forrest Shearer detonates a turn on a deep day in November at Mammoth Mountain.

Shots From A Season To Remember

It’s been a season dreams are made of in Jones’ home range - the California Sierra Nevada. Kicking off with almost five feet / 1.5 meters of snow in November, Ol’ Man Winter cranked the faucet wide open in December and January with over 26 feet / 8 meters falling on the Sierra in those two months.

Despite all the shoveling, all the Jones riders in the Sierra have been loving every inch of it. Check out this photo gallery by Andrew Miller featuring shots from Mammoth Mountain and Palisades Tahoe to share in their stoke and get fired up for your next powder day.

“It all came together to start the season in Mammoth. The snow started flying right away so we had a bunch of low angle pow days to get the legs back underneath us and remind us how fun it is to ride with your friends.”  - Marcus Cassidy

Marcus Cassidy and Forrest Shearer barrel into a winter warp zone.

Early season storm days at Mammoth Mountain.
Jeremy Jones slashes into a powdery lip at Palisades Tahoe.
Mia Jones drops into a tech chute at Palisades Tahoe.
Scenes from a bluebird pow day at Palisades Tahoe.
“Once it turned on it felt like it didn't stop snowing for a month straight. Trying to keep up with the snow and ride as much as you can was pretty punishing. Every second you had was dedicated to either shoveling or snowboarding and your body was breaking down at the seams. It was non-stop hucking snow - whether it be on a snowboard or with a shovel.” - Jimmy Goodman

Lots of friends on a powder day! Jimmy Goodman, Marcus Cassidy and Nate Smith rip a train line in Mammoth.

Nate Smith lights up a late afternoon turn at Mammoth.
Jimmy Goodman milks a few last pow turns before sunset in the Mammoth backcountry.
“We were living in a snowglobe for all of December and January here in Mammoth. It’s been a race to hit certain features on the mountain before they are buried and gone. But at the same time it’s been awesome to see new lines open up that we really haven’t been able to ride in years.” - Marcus Cassidy

Marcus Cassidy lays one out in the Mammoth backcountry.

Gabe Taylor pops off a diving board at Mammoth.
Frozen smiles, frozen chairs and fat hucks, it’s been a season to remember in Mammoth.
Tommy Czeschin blows up a Mammoth powder bomb.
“All these powder days have been amazing, but I’ve already been thinking about how awesome spring is going to be in the Sierra. Whenever it finally stops snowing, we’re in for a couple months of epic corn boarding.” - Jimmy Goodman

Zeia Rose, Nate Smith and Danila party shred in Mammoth.

Gear up for deep and dreamy days

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